Data Privacy Policy

Data Privacy Policy

Data Privacy Policy

GIF International values the privacy of its users and created this Data Privacy Policy in order to demonstrate its commitment to protecting privacy and personal data, in accordance with Brazil’s General Data Protection Act and other laws on the subject matter, as well as describing how privacy is protected by GIF International when collecting, processing, and storing personal information.


User: all individuals who will use or visit the website and/or app(s), over 18 (eighteen) years of age or emancipated and fully capable of performing acts of civil life, or those who are absolutely or relatively incapacitated, duly represented or assisted.

Personal Data: any information provided and/or collected by the company and/or its affiliates, by any means, even public means, that

      I. identifies an individual, whether such information is used alone or in combination with other information processed by the company;

       II. or through which an individual’s identification or contact information may be derived.

Personal data can be on any media or in any format, including electronic or computer records, as well as files on hardcopy. Personal data, however, does not include business telephone number, business mobile phone number, business address, or business email address.

Purpose: the goal or objective that the company wishes to achieve from each act of processing personal information.

Need: the rationale why it is strictly necessary to collect personal data, to achieve the purpose, avoiding excessive collection of personal data.

Legal Bases: legal grounds that legitimizes the processing of personal data for a specific and previously defined purpose by the company.

Consent: express and unequivocal authorization given by the data subject for GIF International to process their personal data for a previously described purpose, in which the necessary legal basis for the act requires the data subjects express authorization.

This policy generally applies to all users and potential users of the services offered by GIF International, and summarizes how the company may collect, produce, receive, classify, use, access, reproduce, transmit, distribute, process, file, store, delete, evaluate, or control information, and/or modify, communicate, transfer, disseminate or extract the data collected, including personally identifiable information, in accordance with the applicable legal bases and all privacy and data protection laws in force. If the user does not fit the description above and/or does not agree, even in part, with the terms and conditions contained in this Privacy Policy, they should not access and/or use the services offered by GIF International, or the websites and services operated thereby.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

In this regard, all personal data collected and the purposes of such data collection and/or processing are available, and the personal data subject can request the available information at any time they deem necessary.

Personal Information Security

In order to keep personal information secure, we use physical, electronic and management tools aimed at protecting privacy. We apply these tools taking into account the nature of the personal data collected, the context and purpose of data processing, and the risks that possible violations would generate for the rights and freedoms of the subject of the data collected and processed. Among the measures we have adopted, we highlight the following:

⦁ Only authorized people have access to personal data;

⦁ Personal data is only accessed after a commitment to confidentiality/non-disclosure;

⦁ Personal data is stored in a safe and suitable environment.

GIF International is committed to adopting the best postures to avoid security incidents. In the event of security incidents that could create significant risk or damage for any of our users/clients, we will communicate to those affected and the National Data Protection Authority about what happened, pursuant to the provisions of the General Data Protection Act.

Data Protection Officer

GIF International provides the following means for you to contact us to exercise your rights as a holder:

If you have doubts about this Privacy Policy or the personal data we process, you can contact our Personal Data Protection Officer through the following channels:
General Provisions

This Policy is aligned with other GIF International policies and was approved by the Executive Board.

GIF International undertakes to review this policy whenever necessary.

Data Privacy Policy

GIF International values the privacy of its users and created this Data Privacy Policy in order to demonstrate its commitment to protecting privacy and personal data, in accordance with Brazil’s General Data Protection Act and other laws on the subject matter, as well as describing how privacy is protected by GIF International when collecting, processing, and storing personal information.


User: all individuals who will use or visit the website and/or app(s), over 18 (eighteen) years of age or emancipated and fully capable of performing acts of civil life, or those who are absolutely or relatively incapacitated, duly represented or assisted.
Personal Data: any information provided and/or collected by the company and/or its affiliates, by any means, even public means, that

       I. identifies an individual, whether such information is used alone or in combination with other information processed by the company;
       II. or through which an individual’s identification or contact information may be derived.

Personal data can be on any media or in any format, including electronic or computer records, as well as files on hardcopy. Personal data, however, does not include business telephone number, business mobile phone number, business address, or business email address.

Purpose: the goal or objective that the company wishes to achieve from each act of processing personal information.
Need: the rationale why it is strictly necessary to collect personal data, to achieve the purpose, avoiding excessive collection of personal data.
Legal Bases: legal grounds that legitimizes the processing of personal data for a specific and previously defined purpose by the company.
Consent: express and unequivocal authorization given by the data subject for GIF International to process their personal data for a previously described purpose, in which the necessary legal basis for the act requires the data subjects express authorization.

This policy generally applies to all users and potential users of the services offered by GIF International, and summarizes how the company may collect, produce, receive, classify, use, access, reproduce, transmit, distribute, process, file, store, delete, evaluate, or control information, and/or modify, communicate, transfer, disseminate or extract the data collected, including personally identifiable information, in accordance with the applicable legal bases and all privacy and data protection laws in force. If the user does not fit the description above and/or does not agree, even in part, with the terms and conditions contained in this Privacy Policy, they should not access and/or use the services offered by GIF International, or the websites and services operated thereby.

Collection and Use of Personal Informatio

In this regard, all personal data collected and the purposes of such data collection and/or processing are available, and the personal data subject can request the available information at any time they deem necessary.

Personal Information Security

In order to keep personal information secure, we use physical, electronic and management tools aimed at protecting privacy. We apply these tools taking into account the nature of the personal data collected, the context and purpose of data processing, and the risks that possible violations would generate for the rights and freedoms of the subject of the data collected and processed. Among the measures we have adopted, we highlight the following:

⦁ Only authorized people have access to personal data;
⦁ Personal data is only accessed after a commitment to confidentiality/non-disclosure;
⦁ Personal data is stored in a safe and suitable environment.

GIF International is committed to adopting the best postures to avoid security incidents. In the event of security incidents that could create significant risk or damage for any of our users/clients, we will communicate to those affected and the National Data Protection Authority about what happened, pursuant to the provisions of the General Data Protection Act.

Data Protection Officer

GIF International provides the following means for you to contact us to exercise your rights as a holder:

If you have doubts about this Privacy Policy or the personal data we process, you can contact our Personal Data Protection Officer through the following channels:

General Provisions

This Policy is aligned with other GIF International policies and was approved by the Executive Board.

GIF International undertakes to review this policy whenever necessary.